Welcome to Easy Car Loan Site.
What is Car Loan?
Once you decide you want a new car, the first thing you should do is figure out how much car you can afford. As we said in Section I, don’t let your dealer help you with these calculations. Do them yourself before you go shopping.


Tips, Advice and More
Our tips and advice section is designed to save you time and money.
• Because so many bad credit car loans are around $10,000 to $12,000, we do a lot of research on the best deals in that price range. Click here to see the best new cars for bad credit customers, or click here for best used cars.
• Our car loan payment calculator will help you see how much car you can afford.
happy car loan customer photo • Our Auto Loan 101 page explains the basics. Our Frequently Asked Questions outlines our loan process.

New Cars and Proceed To Used Car Deals:
We'll Start With New Cars and Proceed To Used Car Deals.
Welcome to our research on best cars for bad credit customers, cars in the $10,000, $12,000 or $15,000 range. We'll start with new cars first.

There's a race going on between the Nissan Versa and the Hyundai Accent for the lowest sticker-price car in America -- as both are offering 09s under $10,000. Now these are stripped down versions (and destination charges and air conditioning will add at least $1,500), but make no mistake. These are quality cars at probably a once-in-the-rest-of-your-lifetime price.

Our Company:
The Easy CAr Loan has long been the best-rated subcompact by J.D. Power, and it's essentially the same car as the Accent (they are what's known as "platform cars," sharing the same chassis, engine, etc.) It used to fight it out with the Chevy Aveo (another around $11,000 car) for the cheapest car on the market.
Gas Friendly Vehicals.
Last year's surge in gas prices forced manufacturers to pay attention to gas-friendly vehicles, and the slump in auto sales has led to discounts, incentives, interest rates deals -- anything to move a car off the lot. That's created real bargains on cars such as the Toyota Yaris, Ford Focus, Honda Fit -- even the Smart Fortwo.
The reason we tout cars in this price range is simple. If you have bad credit, your chance of getting approved goes up if your price range goes down, and that's crucial in these credit-crunched times.Bottom line: You don't have to drive a hoopty to save money. Look at some of the deals available on used cars.


Does this lease have a down payment?
Don’t pay it if it does. Have your dealer roll the down payment into the monthly payments—don’t cough up a lot of money at the outset.

The ostensible purpose?
The ostensible purpose of the new agency would be to protect borrowers from unscrupulous lenders, but - since fraud and deception already are against the law - it would be more accurate to say that its purpose would be to protect borrowers from themselves.